Who Am I?

Hi There — and THANK YOU for being here.

I’m Mary Henderson — Mindset Coach To Entrepreneurs, Speaker, Author… and proud architect of my life.

What makes my approach different to majority of other coaches is that I want to empower people through the neuroscience AND convenience of modern technology.

Technology that will deepen your personal growth, rather than numb it.

Technology that will speed up your transformational process while keeping it sustainable AND without taking shortcuts — so that you don’t “miss out” on important, metamorphic stages of your transformation.

You know and I know that there is a direct connection between our investment in growth and success.

You see, when I decided to leave the corporate world and started my software development company that I had for 7 years, I had huge success in the first 3 years because I was growing, learning, investing in myself.

The last 4 years of my business however... I was so stressed, totally forgot about myself and did not invest time or money into my personal development. And these 4 years were the most stressful, depressing years of my life.

Today, my life is a different story.

I’ve dedicated the last few years to focus on my growth again… and bounced back even higher.

But above all: I had developed an insanely effective tech tool that helped me on that journey.

Now it’s yours to enjoy.

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